Creating a Culture for SEO Within Your Organization

White Papers

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By Billie Geena

In today’s digital world, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has become a core resource for many businesses. For many businesses, SEO is a function that is left to its own devices and never fully utilized.  To harness the power of SEO, organizations need to adopt an SEO culture that co-exists with every internet-facing department.

This whitepaper aims to guide you through creating an SEO culture within your organization. We offer strategies that foster understanding, and collaboration to align with company goals with SEO objectives.

Understanding SEO: Foundations for Success

Before starting to establish an SEO culture, it’s essential to have a solid grasp of what SEO entails. SEO is not about keywords or rankings; it’s about enhancing user experience, delivering valuable content, and serving a purpose. By understanding the fundamentals, businesses can start to develop an SEO culture.

Building Blocks of an SEO Culture

Promoting an SEO culture requires active involvement and advocacy from senior leadership. Leaders are the driving force for guiding the business toward recognizing the value of SEO beyond mere marketing tactics. Creating an SEO culture should trickle down through the company’s hierarchy. Every involved team member should have enough time, resources and education to adopt SEO best practices.

Champion SEO’s Importance

Leaders should communicate that SEO isn’t solely the responsibility of the marketing team. SEO is in fact a holistic strategy that impacts the entire business’s online success.

Allocate Resources

Show commitment by allocating resources for SEO initiatives. This includes budget, personnel, tools, time for training and implementation.

Set Expectations

Clearly define expectations for each department’s involvement in SEO. Encourage collaboration and explain how SEO aligns with the organization’s goals.

SEO Advocacy from Leadership in Practice:

The CEO of an e-commerce company could engage in discussions about SEO during company-wide meetings. The CEO could emphasize how SEO impacts sales and the company’s bottom line. By making SEO a board-level discussion, the CEO sets a precedent for prioritizing SEO efforts.

Education and Training

Educating employees across various departments ensures that everyone understands the value of SEO and can contribute effectively. This educational approach should be tailored to different roles within the organization:

Non-Technical Teams

This could be product, insight and project managers, anyone whose work impacts online content. These teams need a fundamental understanding of SEO concepts and their impact. Training could cover topics like keyword research, content optimization, and the basics of on-page SEO.

Marketing Teams

For digital marketing, PR or advertising teams you should provide more in-depth training. covering topics like content strategy, link building, and user analysis.

Technical Teams

More advanced training will need to be completed for developers, user experience and design teams. Training could cover topics like website structure, page speed optimization, and mobile friendliness.

Using Education to promote SEO collaboration:

A software company could organize regular workshops for its content writers on how to optimize blog posts for SEO. These could cover keyword research, content structure, and user experience. These topics can directly improve the success and quality of your content.

Integration into Onboarding

Onboarding is critical for introducing new employees to the organization’s culture and practices. Including SEO in the onboarding process establishes its importance from day one:

SEO Basics

Including SEO in an onboarding process wouldn’t be necessary for all members of staff, it would be most vital for anyone who will influence with your online experience. 

During onboarding, provide all digital-facing employees with an understanding of what SEO is and why it’s important. This can fit in nicely whilst sharing the company’s goals.

Onboarding in Practice

A digital marketing agency could create an onboarding module where new hires are introduced to the agency’s SEO journey. They could share case studies showing how successful SEO campaigns led to increased organic traffic and client satisfaction.

Encouraging Cross-Departmental Collaboration

SEO teams need to break down barriers and encourage communication between different teams. Departments like marketing, content, development, and customer service often operate independently. Breaking down these silos can lead to a more cohesive and comprehensive approach.

Cross-Functional Teams

Bringing together members of different teams can be a fantastic way to problem solve. Cross-functional teams can share their expertise, leading to more creative and holistic strategies.

A software company could form a cross-functional SEO team comprising a content writer, a developer, a UX designer, and a data analyst. Together they can identify opportunities to improve user experience, optimize technical elements, and create content that converts.

Regular Meetings

SEO is an evolving field, and regular meetings ensure that everyone is on the same page about changes, strategies, and outcomes. These meetings also foster a sense of shared responsibility.

An e-commerce company could hold monthly SEO update meetings. Where representatives from different teams can share their achievements and discuss ongoing challenges. This way, marketing, development, content, and customer service teams can align their goals.

Aligning Company Goals with SEO Objectives

By sharing objectives, KPIs, and SEO goals across teams, businesses can align with the company’s larger vision. This holistic approach to alignment enhances collaboration and synergy across a business.

Shared Objectives

Spend time identifying shared objectives between teams can ensure that SEO efforts can benefit a business as a whole. Which team’s workloads overlap? Are their goals in sync?

A company’s goals could include increasing revenue and improving brand recognition. These goals might have not been set with SEO in mind but by collaborating with the SEO team we can establish a cohesive strategy.

A travel site’s shared goal could be to become a leading resource for travel information. Aligning content and SEO goals could involve creating high-quality destination guides. This could improve visibility and user engagement, contributing to the company’s goal.

Defining KPIs

KPIs are essential for measuring the success of SEO efforts. These metrics demonstrate the impact of SEO on the organization’s goals.

KPIs for SEO might include metrics like organic traffic growth, conversion rates, and user engagement. These metrics help quantify the tangible outcomes of SEO strategies.

A software startup could be aiming to increase sign-ups for their new app. They could define KPIs and create content to target new markets and improve conversion rates by x%

Departmental Integration

Integrating SEO goals into various teams ensures that everyone in the business is working toward the same vision. This alignment prevents disjointed efforts and maximizes the impact of SEO strategies.

A holistic approach ensures that SEO isn’t confined to a single team’s efforts.

An e-commerce business could share SEO goals by encouraging the product team to optimize product descriptions, the content team to create SEO-friendly blog posts, and the development team to enhance website performance. Each department’s efforts contribute to the collective SEO strategy.

Creating an SEO-Friendly Content Ecosystem

Content Optimization Guidelines

Developing content guidelines is crucial for generating content across various teams. It encourages teams to adhere to SEO best practices. These guidelines provide a framework for creating content that is search engine-friendly and resonates with your target audience. 

Coherent Keyword Strategy

A coherent keyword strategy involves synchronizing keyword usage across departments. This ensures that all content produced aligns with the organization’s SEO objectives and presents a unified message to users.

Without a unified keyword strategy, different departments might inadvertently target conflicting keywords, duplicate content and confuse search engines.

Continuous Learning and Adaptation

Your SEO team should be staying up to date with algorithms and hosting regular training sessions. This way your business can ensure that its SEO efforts remain dynamic, effective, and in line with the latest industry trends.

A culture of learning positions your teams to respond to changes in search engine algorithms and user behaviour. Which could lead to sustainable and continued SEO success.

Staying Updated

Staying current with the rapidly changing SEO industry is essential to stay effective. Encouraging teams to keep themselves up to date with the latest updates and practices ensures that your SEO strategies stay relevant.

Your team could stay up to date by:

  • Reading SEO news from Google Search Central, Search Engine Roundtable or Search Engine Journal.
  • Attending regular events and conferences like Brighton SEO
  • Listening to Digital Marketing podcasts like WTSPodcast, SEO Mindset or Azeem Digital Asks.

SEO is complex and multi-faceted. Regular training ensures that everyone, from marketing to developers understands SEO principles and can contribute effectively.

Encouraging Experimentation

Creating a safe environment for experimentation is key to innovation and growth within your SEO culture. Encourage teams to explore new SEO strategies, techniques, and tactics, even if there’s a possibility of failure. Learning from both successes and failures can lead to valuable insights.

Measuring and Demonstrating ROI of SEO Efforts

Your organization can effectively measure and showcase the impact of its SEO efforts. A data-driven approach justifies the investment in SEO but also guides future strategies for continued success.

Establishing SEO Metrics

Defining the right metrics is crucial for measuring the impact of your SEO efforts. Different departments may track different metrics based on their objectives. These metrics provide quantitative data that showcase the outcomes of your SEO strategies.

Metrics like organic traffic, conversion rate and revenue will paint a picture of how SEO contributes company-wide.

Analyzing Data

Data analysis helps identify trends, patterns, and areas for improvement, so your SEO efforts stay effective. You’ll be able to see what’s working and what’s not, enabling you to adjust your approach in real-time.

Presenting ROI to Stakeholders

Communicating the value of SEO efforts to stakeholders and leadership is vital for securing the resources you need. You will need to show ROI, based on improved rankings, traffic, conversions and revenue. This will provide evidence of the impact of your SEO strategies.

Overcoming Challenges and Roadblocks

With an ever-changing industry like SEO, there are many challenges you will face along the way. Some will happen whilst you instil a culture of SEO, and others will be at the mercy of the Google gods.

Addressing Resistance to Change

Implementing new SEO practices can encounter resistance, especially if it disrupts existing routines. Addressing this resistance involves showcasing the positive outcomes of SEO efforts.

People may be resistant due to misconceptions or fear of change. Clear communication about the benefits of SEO and how it aligns with your team’s goals can mitigate this resistance. Jobs will not be made obsolete – a new workflow and collaboration can help them see more success and improve job satisfaction.

In a traditional retail company transitioning to e-commerce, might see resistance from the team being wary of online strategies. The marketing team could address this by hosting workshops that illustrate the positive impacts.

Handling Conflicts

Cross-functional teams often bring together diverse perspectives, which can lead to conflicts. Open dialogue and conflict resolution mechanisms are essential for maintaining a harmonious and productive SEO culture.

In a cross-functional SEO team comprising marketing and development members. Conflicts might happen due to different opinions. Establishing regular meetings to discuss priorities and resolving conflicts, ensures that all viewpoints are considered. 

The biggest conflict in cross-functional teams is finding compromises, often what is important for SEOs is not important to Development teams. Both viewpoints are valuable and a compromise more often than not can be found. 

Managing Algorithm Changes

Search engine algorithms are in a constant state of evolution. Staying adaptable and prepared for algorithm changes is essential to cut the impact on your SEO efforts. Algorithm changes can lead to sudden drops in rankings and traffic. Organizations that remain inflexible may struggle to recover.

SEO Agencies 

A lot of the above also applies to external SEO teams such as freelancers or SEO digital marketing teams. Allowing the SEOs to collaborate with your internal teams provides them with a better understanding of your business and work holistically. 


In the end, an SEO culture is not just about search engines. It’s about cultivating an environment that values innovation, collaboration, and the pursuit of excellence.

With a strong SEO culture in place, organizations can navigate the ever-evolving digital landscape with confidence, realizing sustainable growth and reaping the rewards of their collective efforts.

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